Sunday, October 27, 2013

Long overdue update...

We've been working on our game so much that we've forgotten to update our blog... Another reason why we haven't given a recent update is that there wasn't really any HUGE update to inform you guys about, but we've changed, added, and fixed so many little things about our game. For instance:

- Added stomping sound effects for when any kaiju walks or runs (This'll help the giant monster atmosphere)
- Kumounga's webbing attack actually makes sense now (It covers someone in webbing)
- 2 new levels have been finished since the last update (King Ghidorah's and a surprise enemy's)
- Kamacuras is now a new enemy, and was put over every Varan clone (Varan's going to have an important    role in this game instead of being cannon fodder)
- Every Kaiju that burrows now leaves a gaping hole in the ground from where they surfaced (Makes much      more sense now)

And keep an eye out for a new demo in December!