
Important Websites and stuff!:
Chrono Crash Forums
(The Forum that hosts OpenBOR, You could make your own beat em up too! For FREE!)

Gojira92's Godzilla Ultraman Gamera Deviations
(The guy who hosts and helps create a lot of Pictures relating to our game! He's also the co-creator)

Godzilla Ultraman Gamera Youtube Channel 1
Godzilla Ultraman Gamera Youtube Channel 2
(The Youtube Channel(s) for our game, pick a channel and check it out/subscribe)
Kaijuphile Forums
Toho Kingdom Forums
(Some awesome Kaiju Forums, which also have threads for our games)


  1. This game looks pretty cool! Where do I play it and is it free to play?

    1. Check the downloads for the demo's, you'll need winrar by the by!

    2. What do you mean by that? I`m a girl, so I don`t understand what you said Mighty Minya.

    3. To open the files you'll need to download the program "Winrar" on google and stuff.

  2. When i try to use a Xbox controller it just wont work

    1. I know it's kind of a possible simple solution but did you have it plugged in before you turned on OpenBor? Also was gamepads enabled in the control option? For further info what kind of xbox controller are ya riggin'?

    2. I'm having trouble with controllers, as well. I've tried 2 different Xbox one controller and a Madcatz Xbox 360 one. I tried all three, separately, plugged in before starting the game and gamepads we're enabled each time.
      Itching to play. Please help!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
